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Supporting North Reading Schools (Hornet Nation)

The North Reading School Committee policy with respect to class size should be no smaller than 15 students. Teacher contract has a maximum size of 30 students.  North Reading tries to maintain 20-21 students in early grades (K-1), under 25 students in upper elementary, middle and high school grades. 

North Reading Student/Teacher ratio for FY 23 is 11.1 to 1. To compare with surrounding towns, Lynnfield 14.0 to 1, Reading 12.0 to 1 and Wilmington 10.2 to 1. 

The statistics that Superintendent Patrick Daly provided me clearly show North Reading Schools are either meeting or exceeding expectations in English Language, Mathematics and Science/Tech Achievements.  One of the determining factors as to why families move to North Reading is due to our superior schools. As a town we are truly fortunate to employee highly professional and dedicated teachers, paraprofessionals, guidance counselors, and support staff. If I am fortunate to be elected to the North Reading Select Board, I will be a strong supporter/proponent of our North Reading Schools.  Many in my extended family are educators so I understand the time and commitment that our educators require when educating our students. Hornet Nation #1

Statistics Provided by North Reading Superintendent Patrick Daly

Total North Reading Student Enrollment as of 10/1/24 2,327.

Teachers on Staff 220.

Average 2023-2024 School Year Average Class Size 18.3.

Projected Number of Students to graduate in 2024 around 162.

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