Increase North Reading’s Commercial Tax Base:
Increase North Reading’s Commercial Tax Base:
Extending Sewer Line from Andover or Explore Package Treatment Plant(s):
The Town of North Reading has a serious revenue problem. I do support exploring and Extending a Sewer Line from Andover to our business district along Main St. How much capacity would Andover let North Reading have with respect to extending sewer is a factor that needs to be asked?
Establishing a Package Treatment Plant(s) somewhere along Rte. 28 might be another option to explore that could be a good solution to bringing in new businesses to North Reading. First step is too setup an Exploratory Committee to see if this option is viable.
Package Treatment plants are pre-manufactured treatment facilities used to treat wastewater in small communities or on individual properties.
The lack of sewer in our business district appears to be a major reason as to why businesses have not come to North Reading. The town should explore giving tax incentives to businesses to lure them to North Reading. I believe it is vital that North Reading do everything it can to increase its commercial tax base from 6%. To give you an idea of the commercial tax base in surrounding towns: Lynnfield’s commercial tax base is 15% and Andover’s commercial tax base is 11%. I am committed to collaborating with the Select Board and the Economic Development committee to discuss working towards increasing our commercial presence in North Reading.